A Guide to Creating a Vision Board

Hey dreamers! You have all these big dreams but somehow, nothing is happening. You are not making any progress. Are you ready to turn your aspirations into tangible manifestations? Say hello to the magic of vision boards! ✂️

What’s a Vision Board, you ask?

I consider it to be a visual roadmap to your dreams. It’s a collection of images and words of affirmation to inspire and motivate you, surrounding yourself with the very visual images of what you want to attract into your life. By curating images and affirmations, you’re essentially programming your mind to attract your heart’s desires. 

How to create your own:

  1.   Visualise your dreams: Reflect and think of your dreams and ambitions. What kind of life do you envision? What kind of life would you like to live? What do you get inspired by, what do you get motivated by? Write it all down.
  2. Gather magazines or browse online for inspiration:  You should start raiding your old magazines, newspapers, and old books or print out images from the internet. Then come up with a poster board, corkboard, or even a digital platform like Pinterest to make your vision board.
  3.   Let your creativity flow ✂️: You must start cutting out images, words, and phrases that resonate with your goals. Don’t overthink it – just go with your instincts and choose whatever speaks to you. Whether it’s that picture of your dream vacation destination or a quote that ignites your passion, trust your gut.
  4.   Manifest your dreams on a board ✨: Now that you have a stack of photos and words, create a vision board that feels good for you to look at. Feel free to stack them by theme or let them go free-form. As you place each piece, spend a moment to manifest your intentions and imagine living your dreams.

Time to soak it all in:

  • Display your board where you see it daily: Whether it’s your bedroom, in your office, or even on your phone wallpaper.
  • Reflect, envision, and feel the gratitude: Look at your vision board every day and drink in the energy it emanates. Keep examining your goals and imagine yourself already crushing it. Feel the gratitude and joy from connecting with your dreams.
  • Take inspired actions towards your goals: A vision board does not replace actions, but it certainly is inspirational. Use it to inspire and guide your actions in the direction of your goals. Piece your goals down into actions that can be taken and do little bits of it every day with intent.

Creating a vision board is more than just a craft project – it’s a powerful tool for aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your dreams. So grab those scissors, unleash your creativity, and get ready to manifest the life of your dreams!

Let’s transform dreams into reality!✨ #VisionBoard #ManifestYourDreams #DreamBig


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This email is sent to you from Shruti Shah, a certified life coach with expertise in coaching kids, teens, youth, and adults. She is the founder of All Round Performance Coaching, and her mission is to connect her clients to more by empowering them to discover their passions and accomplish their goals, both personally and professionally.   This email is purely for information purposes and should not be used to diagnose any mental health conditions.    If you’re interested in learning more about how she can help you rewire your brain and improve your overall well-being, please don’t hesitate to reach out to her at: Email: [email protected] | [email protected] Website: www.shruti-shah.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/coachshrutishah social media: coachshrutishah  Phone: +254722673444 (whatsapp on the same line).